Change Occurs Through Your Efforts

Our attitudes define who we are. They are subject to change by social influences, as well as by the individual’s motivation to maintain cognitive consistency when two attitudes or attitude and behavior conflict.

Real change occurs from the bottom up. It occurs from person to person, and in small groups and locales and then bubbles up and aggregates to larger vectors of change. It happens when a person exerts an effort every single day of his life. If you want a change to happen in your life. Change your attitude.

We embrace change, yet something in our nature fiercely resists it. We structure social movements, political campaigns and business strategies around the need for change, yet we hardly understand how it works.

When it comes to a change in behavior based on consequences, such as an individual’s hopes to gain rewards or avoid punishment from another group or person, it is called compliance. It doesn’t mean that there is a change in beliefs or attitude but rather is influenced by the social outcomes of adopting a change in behavior.

The individual adopts the new attitude, not due to the specific content of the attitude object, but because it is associated with the desired relationship. Often, children’s attitudes on race or their political party affiliations are adopted from their parents’ attitudes and beliefs.

On the other hand, personality is not a perfect predictor of behavior. People tend to become more responsible and emotionally stable as they age. These changes generally unfold over many years and seem to reflect a natural developmental process.

There are things about yourself that you don’t like. So you change them. It’s more likely that you keep on doing them, even though you say you’d like to change them. you can’t just snap your fingers and stop the well-established patterns of behavior, even when those patterns result in bad consequences.

Change is a process that begins with being aware of yourself. If you’re used to blaming everyone else for your problems, then you’re not aware of the consequence of your actions. If you’re living your life in a daze, blaming bad luck, then you’re in denial because you based your good fortune on fate. You can be fully aware of your bad habits and still not change because you lack the sense of commitment.

You need to have self-discipline, perseverance, and hard work. Know the reason for your change of behavior and what you want to be. Your actions need to adhere to your beliefs. You know it makes no sense claiming you want to change but then doing nothing about it. You are just disappointing yourself. You’re fed up with feeling frustrated.

Adopting new ways rarely comes comfortably at first. You may feel a lot of resistance to change but when you realize that change is needed as an opportunity to grow, not as an unwanted burden, amazing things can happen.

Even small changes can reap meaningful benefits especially when it is in a positive direction, it will not only expand your confidence but also enrich your relationships, enhance your career, and empower your well-being.